In March 2020, the Canaccord workforce was displaced as COVID-19 took hold. The need for employee engagement, motivation and maintaining positive mental and physical health had never been greater. Canaccord also needed to ensure staff from newly acquired companies felt connected to the rest of the team and a part of the Canaccord culture. They needed an internal communications campaign that would help unite the troops during this time of crisis.

We’ve worked with Canaccord since 2017, helping to shape their #cando CSR strategy promoting the benefits of an active lifestyle on health, wellbeing and business performance. The concept has become embedded in Canaccord’s culture and provided a strong foundation for the company’s Covid-19 internal communications strategy. A ten-week #wecandothis campaign was planned and launched within two weeks of initial brief.
Through the #cando campaign, Canaccord had formed a strong relationship with TeamedUp – supporting Olympic and Paralympic athletes on their journey to international competition. With many of these athletes now at home following a cancelled Olympics, it was the perfect opportunity to support them and rally their skills to help keep the Canaccord staff moving.
The ten week campaign alternated between active content one week and mental health and wellbeing insights the next. A series of videos and factsheets were produced (teaching many of the athletes how to film and edit remotely from their kitchens, bedrooms and lounges in the process!), embedded with useful tips and further inspiration resources in a set of Monday Motivation e-shots. Five fantastic Olympic athletes recorded their “at home workouts” and Olympian Lizzie Simmonds filmed talks on motivation, goal setting, managing stress, teamwork, and resilience. All were housed for ongoing reference on a dedicated microsite which customers, family and friends could also access.
Through this content, the team was encouraged to keep moving with a ‘Time It!’ challenge. Each month, those taking part would log their active minutes. The aim was to collectively reach the moon and back during lockdown. They smashed this target!