BRIEFING PORTAL Leave this field blank Job Name: Please use our prefix job name - [company] [campaign] [asset type] [date MM/YY] Client: Client Contact: Client Email: Brief Date: Date briefed in Deadline Date: When is the final deadline for delivery / provision of artwork files? Key Milestones: (optional) Are there any other key dates / milestones to be aware of? Job Overview: Please provide the background to the job / context / need Copy: (optional) Please provide any copy or bullet points to provide a copy steer (or upload a word document in the additional assets below). Additional Assets: (optional) Please choose to upload any images, illustrations or other files required to complete the job, or alternatively provide us with shared asset folder links Upload assets Provide asset folder link/s Upload Assets: Upload as many files as required. File formats accepted: svg, svgz, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, tiff, tif, webp, avi, mov, qt, mpeg, mpg, mp4, webm, srt, mp3, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, ttf, otf, woff, woff2, zip. For any other file type please select 'Provide asset folder link/s' above. Choose file/sUploading… (0%) Browse A file with this name has already been uploaded. This file type isn’t allowed. This file size is too big. Provide Asset Folder Link/s: Brand Considerations: (optional) Are there brand rules or elements we need to be aware of in the development of this asset Legal / Compliance: (optional) Are there any legal riders that have to be included in the asset? If so please supply correct wording Budget / Estimate: Do you have a budget agreed for the job or do you require an estimate based on the information provided? We have a budget Please provide an estimate Budget Please provide the agreed budget £ Job Spec: What is the spec for the job (size, format) if it is for advertising / print or another production item Anything Else? (optional) Is there anything else you would like to add that will help us further with planning / estimating for this asset Send